The Art of the Level-Up – Lists, Learning & Life with Charlene G. Cubbs

In Episode 26, we continue our behind-the-scenes journey with Charlene G. Chubbs, a lifelong learner, avid reader, and list aficionado. We rejoin our conversation in part 2 delving into Charlene’s 100 book challenge and some of her favorite reads of 2024.  We reflect on her favorite quotations and dig into the value of not just setting goals but reflecting on just how far you’ve come.   And, we take a closer look at the productivity of lists.  Did you know there are strategies for making lists😊

Key topics:
1.      Audiobooks – We discuss what we love about audiobooks, as well as, some of Charlene’s favorites including Everyday Ubuntu by Mungi Ngomane (Granddaughter of Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu); Chris Bailey’s Productivity books, the works of Dr. Gabor Mate, as well as, Brent Butt’s new thriller novel “Huge” and the works of Kate Quinn.

2.      Productivity Through List Making – Charlene shares her strategies for staying organized with different types of lists (maintenance, personal and work) including the life list. “I pick three… those are the things I need to get done that day.  And that keeps me focused.”

3.      Reflect, Reframe, and Reignite – We explore the power of reflecting and celebrating the progress you’ve made; appreciating the moment and enjoying the journey because life goes by faster than you think; and explore reframing your experiences to level up your future.

The journey wouldn’t be complete without sharing a few of her favourite quotations. Thank you for joining us on this episode of the Mind Game podcast.  If you enjoyed our discussion, please rate, follow, share and review the podcast.  Your support helps us continue to bring inspiring and insightful conversations to our listeners.


00:00 Introduction to Audiobooks and True Crime

00:45 Discussing Reading Preferences and Habits

01:06 Balancing Multiple Books and Genres

02:00 Challenges and Achievements in Reading

04:36 Favorite Books and Authors

07:53 The Power of Music and Meditation

10:03 Productivity and List-Making Strategies

15:15 Life Goals and Personal Development

17:11 Transition to Soul Questions

18:02 The Rock’s Best Thing That Never Happened

19:28 Reframing Failures and Lessons

22:24 Meditation and Mapping the Future

23:26 Reflecting on Accomplishments

28:40 Advice to Younger Self

32:20 Future Reflections and Quotes

36:20 Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Keywords: Audiobooks, productivity tips, list-making strategies, reading goals, reading challenge, self-help books, pomodoro method, personal growth, reflection techniques, inspirational quotes, learning journey, mindfulness, time management, motivational talks, balancing personal and professional life.

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Episode 26 (Part 2) The Art of the Level-Up
Lists, Learning & Life

Guest: Charlene Chubbs
(Live from Ontario)

Host: Stephanie Pipke-Painchaud
Produced by: Stephanie Pipke-Painchaud

Music by: Epicaly – LiteSaturation – Pixabay November 2023
Free for Use under the Pixabay Content License

Mind Game Level Up Your Life
June 2, 2024 

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